The Best Bridesmaids in the World. Seriously. Each of these girls has had an important part in my life and it was wonderful to have them present at this special time. Whether we have known each other for 25 years or just over a year... they each mean so much to me and made my Wedding Day even more special!
Legally Ready to be MARRIED!!We had way more fun getting our marriage license than the average person. We were giddy. Seriously. You would have thought we were actually married with this piece of paper. I love that I married a man who makes everything so much fun. It makes even the little things meaningful. I am so thankful for him.
I love these three cuties so much. Deanna, Elayna and Ava Blythe definitely have had a huge piece of my heart ever since the day they were each born. All my nieces and nephews have me wrapped around their finger.
The girls actually called Lance "France" when they first met him. Great Fun!
Nate and Benny Blythe are Cousins and practically best friends. It is such a blessing to see so much of their dads, my brothers Chip and Matt in them. It was so great to have almost all of my whole family present. Only one of my wonderful brothers could not be in attendance and he was greatly missed. Everyone that was there traveled a long way and it would not have been the same without them!!