
109 Days to go....

So I am really horrible at remembering to add entries... Sorry for all of you who are interested in the details. I began this as a helpful tool to help stay connected with our loved ones and keep you all informed. HOWEVER, I realize that I must actually add a blog entry for that to work. So to all of you, thank you for your patience and I will try to be better in the future! HMMM.. I think I may just get Mr. Stuckey involved in this... He has a great memory!
Well, So I'm sure you all want to know what is taking all of our attention lately.. School, School and more school!!! I am preparing to graduate on May 25th of this month and I cannot wait. Lance has been quite busy himself preparing for the semesters' end. We are enjoying the prospect of the end of the semester so that we might work on some wedding and apartment related things! We are both traveling this weekend to our respective parents' homes for Mother's Day and are very excited to be able to spend it with our Moms.
That is pretty much all we are doing lately! I will try to write again very soon!
**Also-- for those of you traveling in from out of town-- You may want to reserve hotel rooms for the Wedding Weekend soon!!!

Love to All!
Cindy and Lance

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